Friday, June 16, 2006


How is it I can have a quick dinner and end up with this amount of cutlery at the end? Seriously - was I using a different knife/fork/spoon for each bite?

Is this nudging OCD territory?


  1. OMG. Spoons! Yayness!!! :)

  2. Anonymous9:35 pm

    Is it because your an eight armed mutant?

  3. The more I look back at this picture, the more I think:

    Damn! That's a shitload of spoons.

    Yayness indeed, Ryan, yayness indeed.

    Martin - don't tell everyone about my mutation - haven't you seen Total Recall?! Me and the three-tittied lady will be gunned down!

  4. The bigger question is where have all my forks gone? From a set of 12 I now have 5.

  5. You're obviously exceedingly posh. Everyone knows that one's level of poshness is directly correlated to the amount of cutlery one uses.

    I use five teaspoons just to stir my coffee...

  6. Angel - Were they nice forks? Maybe dinner guests have been pinching them? My advice is to pop round your friend's houses and steal their cutlery. Works for m- that is, I hear it works for other people...

    Inexplicable DeVice - REALLY!? I mean, of course! Five teaspoons to stir your coffee you say? (Shouldn't the peasants do that for you?)

  7. Well, yes they do, but apparently I have to give them days off for funerals and sickness and the like - very inconvenient! So, I sometimes do have to stir my own coffee. I becoming quite adept at it now - most of the coffee stays in the cup...

  8. That IS a large amount of spoons. I don't think I could cobble together that many spoons at once at our joint. I think I am developing spoon envy!

  9. heheeee! Total Recall. Those mutants were FUNNY.

    But is it possible you are an eight mouthed mutant rather than a small mouse?

  10. Inexplicable DeVice - I think you should get a spoon monkey; I doubt they require satutory days off, and they'll work (hee hee) for peanuts...!

    Dora and Tina - I think my spoons are breeding. Maybe I should keep them in separate drawers? Maybe I should start a spoon fetish awareness group?

    Miss Haversham - you've discovered my secret! I had to photoshop out the other seven mouths. And don't even talk to me about the deformed head living in my chest cavity!

  11. Well, I investigated our draw this morning and there were only 4 spoons. I think we need your help to start a breeding program over here! I think they might be on the verge of extinction. How did you get your spoons in the 'mood'?

  12. Anonymous10:00 am

    "Me and the three-tittied lady will be gunned down!"

    Ohh, now you've got me thinking (again!)

    Who could be the three-breasted woman?

    Obviously someone you know well; possibly already mentioned in your blog entrys?

  13. Dora and Tina - A spoon-breeding program, you say? Hmmm... Now, spoons, like pandas, are a difficult species to 'get in the mood' - but it is possible. Spoons like to be used, because they're filthy like that; prepare a washing up bowl full of soapy suds, dim the lights, put on a little music - maybe some Barry White... maybe some Lovin' Spoonful – and then ... add the spoons.

    Leave the spoons to their own devices for a few hours and you might return to find a spoon-tastic surprise. Or you might not, in which case you could probably just steal some new ones from restaurants!

    M - there is no three-tittied lady, except in Total Recall; and the cat-woman in Star Trek V; and the astrologist in Mallrats, but that's just a nipple, and a stick on one at that, so I'm not sure it counts...
