Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Muse flash!

Holy crap, why does everything have to be so damned complicated?

So last week I win a couple of tickets to this invite only Muse gig at the Shepherds Bush Empire - only the hottest ticket in London town this year! And my bro is in complete awe of me; quite frankly, he couldn't be more amazed if I grew wings and drew pictures of Angelina Jolie in the clouds. He seriously owes me big time. Or at least the cost of a text...

The thing is, there's this horrendously complicated list of demands we must adhere to in order to secure the wristbands we need to be let in to the Empire, which might be a bit difficult because they appear to have cocked Simon's name up so it won't match his ID, and I don't have any photo ID aside from a leisure centre card with a 10 year old photo on it.


Damn! I'm having horrible visions of us stuck outside with beer glasses pressed up against the doors in a futile attempt to hear Supermassive Blackhole.

I can run Simon down the deed poll office - but can anyone get me a fake passport!?

On the plus side, just seen the season finale of The OC, and Marissa died a horrible, painful death. As satisfying as it was, I would've paid serious cash to see her caught up in a tumultuous fireball that rocketed her into the sky in a comedy fashion. Still, you can't have everything.


  1. Not enough people die in massive fireballs which rocket them, comedy fashion, into the sky. I've always said that.

    Goodluck with the ID thing - I'd offer to help but don't know the right people. Sorry!

  2. I know - when I go, which is hopefully a long way off, I might have to plan a massive fireball in advance. I hope I'd land somewhere reasonably nice though...

    ID thing sorted, no probs! (Phew!)
