Sunday, June 25, 2006

I got a freakin' medal!

To be honest, we all did - but hey! I don't think that diminishes what I've achieved at all! Ten-friggin'-kilometers for no reason other than 'THEY WERE THERE!' (Doesn't it look like a Jim'll fix it badge?)

It was OK, actually; having the iPod was a stroke of genius - 'One by one' by the Foos almost turned me into Linford bloody Christie! I was off like a man possessed - I'm surprised they didn't take me to one side and ask for a urine sample. Also worth noting was the pack mentality; it's so, no wait, *SO* much easier to run when there are crowds of people doing it with you (running, that is). I found it helpful to latch onto certain people too. And by 'latch onto' I don't mean I physically grabbed onto them, rather I tailed them from a short distance and matched their pace. OK, I effectively stalked them. If you choose a person slightly bigger than yourself you can get caught up in their tow, too. Very useful. You can swing out from behind them at the finish line - FILTHY USURPER!!! Muwahahaha! Aerodynamics is a beautiful thing.

It's also quite comforting to see that I whupped, I mean came in ahead of, some people wearing club vests. ME! He who only started training in earnest a couple of weeks back! He who was until recently a self-proclaimed sweaty mouth breather! HA!

Did I mention I got a medal?

(Consider yourself lucky - I'm chilling out now in my baggy-ass jeans and a white wifebeater. I almost put a baseball cap on at a jaunty angle and some dark glasses, and took a photo of myself wearing my medal like that. But then I realised that I'd look like Kevin Federline, and quite frankly no one needs to see that.)


  1. Are you sure you got the medal for running, and not domestic violence?

    Look at it! Has the guy been at the Stellas? Looks like he's just lamped her one.

  2. I said I was wearing a wifebeater, not I am one!

    Actually it does look like he's clocking her one, now you mention it...

    It also looks like they're half submerged... Crikey! It's Jack and Rose from Titanic!

  3. Congratulations on your bling! And surviving the race....

  4. Thanks! D'you know - I actually want to do another one now, which is a little worrying!!
