Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stick with me, it leads to an obvious punchline

So today, or yesterday, or sometime this week (to be honest I don't really care), Sony and Nintendo have unveiled/will unveil their new uber-consoles, the PlayStation 3 and the, er, Wii (yes, I expect you can see where I'm, going with this).

Now it's actually been a long time since I've dedicated my life to any video games; Gran Turismo 4 on the PS2 was the last one I played, only giving up when some bastard in a souped-up NSX kept beating me on the last lap of a pivotal race.

Back in the day though - queue misty flashback sequence - I was one of those tubby little kids with semi-transparent skin who sat in front of the telly wasting the vast percentage of his life on some pointless computer game. I think at one point I actually went about a month without actually blinking. And I still get a bit nostalgic when someone mentions Treasure Island Dizzy.


Anyway, I now find myself actually considering making a 'next-gen' purchase at some point. The reason being is this:

A new freakin' Star Trek game. (Yes, i'm a nerd!!!)

The thing is, it's on Xbox 360 only. And that thing is friggin' huge. Apparently, it also appears to be powered by a Rolls Royce jet engine.

So, Star Trek aside, what about the PS3? Well I'm sure the inevitable Gran Turismo sequel will be nice an' all, but ... the console looks like a damned Brevill sandwich maker for crying out loud, and they'll be tears if I try to make a panini in it.

That leaves Nintendo's new machine, with it's intriguingly-shaped wand-style controller. But will this unique selling point help Nintendo succeed where the Gamecube sorta failed?

I suppose the question I'm asking is this:



Is anyone busting for a Wii?


  1. Anonymous2:29 pm

    I suppose Nintendo's 'intriguingly-shaped wand-style controller' could encourage other company's not normally in the gaming industry to start developing games and 'custom' controllers!

    Cosmo magazine, or maybe Playboy, could introduce a game allowing women to shag a 'virtual' Brad Pit, maybe using thier 'Rampant Rabbit' games controller?

    The faster they move the Rabbit, the faster Brad goes-at-it.

    And the possability for selling games upgrade 'Stud' packs would be huge!
    They could download George Clooney, Daniel Craig, me....

    The options for providing the same service for men may be a bit limited 'though...

  2. Crikey, you've put a lot of thought into this.

    Haven't you, Martin?

  3. Anonymous1:34 am

    Yes, as I said; I'd be willing to add my biometric data to help them develope a virtual 'me' to 'entertain' the ladies...

    ...'though obviously, to make the experience 'realistic', Nintendo/Sony would need to make a bigger 'controller' !!!!

  4. Ugh. Slightly repulsed there...

    Maybe you should pitch your idea for the Sony LayStation ... there's a niche that they probably haven't looked into yet...
