Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Link crazy

Look people:

I've added a few more links over there. Yeah, THERE.

First up is What I do. Which, er, shows you what ... I ... do. Hmmm.

Next are two links (a blog and a myspace) bearing the name of Mr Iain Baker, XFM DJ and all-round top bloke; his Westway blog was one of the sites I visited that got me thinking about starting this whole malarkey in the first place. So, er, Iain, it's really all your fault!

And last but certainly not least is Across-the-Board. I can't remember how I found this, but it's one of the blogs I always make sure to check first thing in the morning when I get to work, because it consistently makes me snort with laughter as I'm trying to eat my ready brek (which in itself is quite funny, and possibly worthy of a post when I sort out how to get some pictures up here).

So go have fun, kids!


  1. And i've linked you as well!
    Nice one Tim, it's always nice to have influenced someone :)
    keep it up,

  2. Cheers Iain - much appreciated!

    Now I've just got to come up with something interesting to shout into the void...!
